Meet the Principal
Principal Marcella D’Orazio
Hello Edgewater Families,
I am honored to continue working with our students, staff and families at Edgewater. I love our school community and have never worked with a better staff that works hard every day to do what is best for students. Now for a little bit about myself.
I have worked in schools for over 35 years in many roles. I worked in Denver Public Schools for 17 years before coming to Jeffco. I have taught Kindergarten, 2nd grade, and 4th grade, always in bilingual classrooms. I was also a Reading Interventionist for 11 years. In my eyes, there’s nothing more rewarding than teaching a child to read. In Jeffco, I also worked in the ESL/Dual Language Department (now known as the Department of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education, or CLDE) for three years, where I worked for three years, primarily with Jeffco’s Dual Language Schools. And I worked as an Asst. Principal before coming to Edgewater Elementary. Now for my beliefs.
I believe in relationships and that it is important to all students to build connections at school. They need connections with their peers and with the adults who care for them, teach them, believe in them, make them feel safe, and empower them to reach their fullest potential. I love watching our students in the classroom, chatting with them in the cafeteria, and watching them as they play happily on the playground. Spending time with students in the classroom is what brings me the greatest joy, as a principal.
I believe that all students matter, and they deserve the opportunity to learn every day. I believe that as a staff, we should plan daily lessons that are rigorous and engaging to help students learn in creative ways that connect to their lives and our greater world.
I believe in shared leadership and collaboration, and that our shared vision and focus on student growth is what guide our work. This includes growth in academics and social emotional learning. School staff and families are partners who collaborate to learn, lead, and grow together for the success of our students and school community. Together we are better! I commit to building relationships and trust with our students, families, school staff, and community members. Trust will be gained through respectful interactions, and through listening to ideas and concerns, and asking questions. I will model what it means to work together, to share ideas, to make decisions, and at times, to respectfully disagree.
I believe in using data. We will use data to reflect on our instructional practices. We will use data to monitor progress, make decisions, and guide learning for both students and staff. We will use data to set goals with students and to support their needs. We will reflect on our practice to keep what is working and to change what is not.
I feel honored and blessed to be the principal at Edgewater. Together we will do great things!
Marcella D’Orazio